Friday, November 12, 2021

LOST yet WON - A true story

It was a steamy afternoon with flames fuzzing out on the surface of the road. Even the water seemed to be inheriting the evaporating quality of fuels. Only those who are travelling in a A/C fitted four-wheeler can be unperturbed. Well.. also the people who are insanely crazy to race through the hot cloud of traffic with their bike.
Amongst such a busy, high temperature traffic, at exactly 1.12 PM, when everyone felt that the whole earth had stopped moving due to the on-road congestion, IT HAPPENED. There was a heavy turbulence at one end of the road racing at a speed of light towards the other end. People who were, even at a distance of 1 kilometer away from that eddy-source, was looking at it, wondering what it would be. Some even raised a doubt as how a lightning can penetrate the earth on a horizontal plane.
But when the signal turned red, I felt "Fricking indian signals :x Always try to block my traffic-manoeuvring skill-sets :x" I had no other go than to apply a heavy disc-brake on my girl, freeze her, take off my helmets and breathe some fresh air. Everyone was looking at me in a weird way, way in which they try to say "Ohh.. Its a human !!! Btw-Why the heck you drive soo fast?? How come you are not dead yet ?"
A RECAP OF ME some few minutes back :
Even though i had options given (whether to pick our car to go out / my aggresively cruel bike) , I always chose to go out with my girl. And i have this bad habbit of debasing the entire world once i hop onto her. So, as I came out of my den, I loved to race all the co-passengers who are travelling on the same road along with me in my direction. I just love to label them as "losers". If i find a heavier vehicle to compete with me, I just use the atmospheric traffic to deceive them and make themselves to struck into the messy vehicles on road and then move ahead of them.
As the timers on the signal starts to ooze away, I put back my helmet and started the engine. It seemed that all the vehicles standing at the front of the signal were being back to life slowly and steadily. As the timers started counting single digits, every vehicle on the road were roaring. I started throttling my bike indicating my other competitors that I am ready to race.
The Finale :
Timer died to zero. Green light was lit. It was like, the babes during the start of a bike race had just waved the flags. When i was about to leave my clutch and jump into the race to give a head-start, I heard a voice of a small boy, which said "Daddy, Go fast !! We have to be the first !!" I turned my head towards my right. There he was, a little boy, probably 8-9 yrs old, cute like a tiger cub, lookin at me with his eyes. But actually lookin at his father with his heart expecting him to race me out.
His father saw me and smiled as if the boy was silly, since both of them were sitting on a TVS-50 (a namesake bike, which is no better than a cycle fitted with a dummy silencer)
I could have easily withered them off in a fraction of second, which my mind was telling me to do. But i just cant release the clutch. I stayed static for about a second and looked at the smiling father and gave him a nod to move forward. There was a 100% success rate in our communication. He clearly understood me. With a thankful gesture in his face , he made his so-called-bike cry its shit out and after a heavy struggle they started moving ahead of me.
I guess the father was sayin "Dont worry. We'r first !!"
I still don't know why i left them in front. Infact , i don't like small kids at all. So if everyone think that the boy was soo cute so that i didn't want to hurt his gay little feeling, "Maybe" is my answer. Maybe the father's smile towards me, which said "Small boys huh ?? They are silly.. you carry on !!", was the reason. Or maybe the boy just reminded me of my own childhood, since I used to do the same with my father. Thank God , unlike me, this boy was good :) Because when i was a child, if i won a race, though i was sittin in the back.. I did love to say to the 'losers' - "Take that Bitch !!??!!" , though not with the exact words in place :)
So.. i lost the race. But, by lookin on the joy on both of 'em, i felt overwhelmingly satisfied. To give a dramatic finish to all these things.. it started raining, the next moment they crossed me.
Well.. Sometimes it is easy to win a race. But you have to consider if winning the race is worth ur heart.. and vice versa too.. Sometimes it may easy to lose a battle, but again you have to consider if the battle is worth losing.
Thanks for reading this post. More in the future :)
----------------- References and trivia---------------
♥ my GIRL --> my BIKE [ I named her as 'Nascent steel' ] :)
♥ this is a true story :)
♥ I dedicate this post to all my friends who are wide-spreaded :)
♥ Believe me , I am not as good as i describe myself in this post :)