Saturday, July 17, 2010

INCEPTION - A tribute

Prior to every blog i write, infact prior to even think abt writing it, I should always feel an inspiration, a impulsive pinch that eternally drive me inside to make a blog regarding the theme. And this INCEPTION, right from the time when it got over, man.. i felt the thirst to dress it up as my blog.. It really earned my inner instigation.

Regarding the film

First of all, INCEPTION is not a movie at all. Its a film. I am soo much determined not to expose the plot here. But what i feel abt the film is "Its more like a electron-trigger in a Chain-reaction. This film opens up a completely different perspective about how we look ourselves, the world, the life. If you get the basic theme of it, it continues to grow inside you. Initially you ll be applying the rules to the film characters.. And gradually you try to apply the same rules to your own life... And to all our surprise, the rules apply in our world too.. ultimately leading to think ourself, if there is any possibility at all that we are not real...." This film is a gateway to our intellect, the beginning point to the humans' basic nature of questioning everything, THE INCEPTION to our sub-conscious.

Regarding Christopher Nolan (The Director/ Screenplay / Questionably a human?)

Christopher Nolan, Is he real?? I mean how did he come up with this story?? that too, the ONE-LINE story was made 10 years ago.. around the year 2000??

The real title he gave for the story, in the auteuristic slang the 'Working-title' of the story, was 'DREAM-STEALERS'. A title which is sexy enough to get the cast to work on the project. But there was a problem at the beginning since many thought that it was soo complex that the screen play is not even possible to deliver the director's touch. Even after the oscar nomination of Chris for the BEST-SCREENPLAY award fot the mental shit called Memento, this particular story(Inception) was believed to be more complex than that. Because of this the production had been culled off many times. Just after witnessing Nolan's virtuosity in 'THE DARK KNIGHT', the Warner Bros came into the scene to rescue the story. An article said that Chris just gave an 'On-Spec script' to the production studio.

On-Spec -> "a prototype with a chance of achieving something but no certainty of it"
And WB, i don't know if they understood the script, they just splashed out on it.

Regarding DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio, straight from 'The Shutter Island' gave the same piece of brilliance once again. Its not a complaining tone from me. Its just what this story demands, the same DiCaprio from The Shutter Island. DiCaprio himself said that he did not understand the story completely when he was given the script. In fact many people involved in the acting-side of the film didn't know what part they actually play in it. While many did a lot of research to understand if they were truly given a worthy screen space, some(including DiCaprio) just took a leap of faith on the intellect of Chris Nolan. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the scripts have been rejected by Will Smith and Brad Pitt before reaching the titanic star.

Regarding Hans Zimmer (Musician)
Hans Zimmer, who had his first break-through in his career through 'Rain Man', is the man behind some of the best electronic chords that has been ever made. His growth as a musician is evident through his notable cinematic path which includes 'The Lion King', 'The Gladiator', 'The Pirates of the Caribbean', 'The Dark Knight'. I fell in love with his deliverance right after i saw TDK. Or more appropriately, after hearing the number 'Like a dog chasing cars' from the same. Again.. in this film(Inception) the number 'Mombasa' is like, the sexiest piece of work i ever came across.
While screenplay guides the viewers through the plot, it is the music that make the people feel that they are not actually stressing their brain out to understand the story. Its like saying "Don't worry. You are not straining to understand the film.." The right oscillations in the music is also an important ingredient to give the tempo to the adrenalin-paced screenplay. Hans Zimmer once again proved that he is the best among the best to deliver the right piece of music when it is demanded.


'Chris-Nolanism' is the new trend, which means "You pay him to watch his radiance. He make you doubt your very own existence " Believe me ... No one can disprove him. And if you really need to find the truth, you have to kill yourself, or if you want me to say in his way "Take a leap of faith"

Don't get weird if someone from the audience shoot themselves dead by the end of the film. They are just checking whether they are 'living the dream' or else just 'dreaming the reality'.

"One of the best piece of brilliance i have ever seen on-screen"

and @ everyone "See it to believe it" :)

Thanks for reading the post.. Later :)


  1. You pay him to watch his radiance. He make you doubt your very own existence-pakka..:)
